and the american idol goes to ;
♥ DAVID COOK!!!!! ♥
a really super big thumbs up to daivd archuleta. i have always loved your singing and i always will. it was really hard for me to decided who to win this season. both of them are truly winners to me. they really deserved to be in the top 2 singing in the finals together. and gosh! i'm just so happy seeing the both of them together. so brotherly

I'm very happy. I was so scared when ryan said
" and this year's american idol is.... DAIVD..."
i was like. omg omg omg! it doesn't really matters who wins le actually. both as good ; both as talented ; both as cute ; both as HOT ; both as friendly and this list goes on and on and on!

. i think he's cute . ; can't remember his name

thank you guys for a great SEASON!
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